change of season

The FALL brings about change for everyone, of every age.

Activity and exercise becomes part of that change.  Why do we attempt to exercise when feeling like change is happening?  Perhaps the motivation to exercise is higher when change is occurring or perhaps its because we notice ourselves diminishing in energy and strength while change is happening; and feel we should do something about it. 

The hard realities are YES it is good to go with that feeling, but remember it. Therefore the next time change comes you are already in the routine of continuous exercise. Your body enjoys the consistency it gets when exercise is a regular part of your day.  Our bodies are designed for constant movement. The colder weather however brings a sort of 'nesting' feeling where we want to sit and relax more.  If you are in a warm climate then this does not necessarily apply! 

The change in season is a good time to embrace change, and adjust for consistent activity throughout the season. Strengthen yourself during change so the next time it comes you are not diminished. Build good joint stability and balance.  Adjust for the changing daylight by exercising.


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